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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox DualHead2Go. Weird? Revolutionary? You decide...
zima   2005-11-08 04:08

Something new at last in the area of multimonitor usage.
At first it looks like video signal splitter...but the two monitors apparently display completelly different thing, and OS sees them as one widescren monitor.

So you can convert your Nvidia or ATI card into...Triplehead solution.

PS. I knew Matrox has focused on niche usage, but this is almost ridiculously niche ;P
zima   2005-11-08 04:15
Small quick update
(I was looking at pre-announcement materials so it didn't have the "catches")

Matrox states on the site that compatibility is quite limited, basically only to Intel chipsets with integrated graphics :/
Oh well, it would be too beutifull I guess...
Christian Studer   2005-11-10 07:56
Interesting device, unfortunately it supports only span mode.

Seems weird that they only support onboard video chipsets, I would have expected this to work with any card which supports widescreen resolutions.

Christian Studer -
zima   2005-11-21 12:17
From sources close to Matrox I know it's mostly a support measure - they don't want to drown under complaints from people with many GFX cards and driver versions, so they clearly state which convigurations they consider supported.

But...any GFX card/driver combo which can output required resolution should work, but they won't state it oficially, they simply say which devices are supported/work for sure.

So the only thing to be sure would be to check out...perhaps Matrox would send one of these devices to you for review?
zima   2005-11-21 12:20
And one more thought...I wonder if it would be possible to run two outputs on some high end GFX card, to one of which DualHead2Go is connected, both (so...efectivelly all three of monitors) in span mode.
You'd have surround gaming a'la Parhelia, but with current top performance and DX features.

But OTOH Matrox won't say it...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox DualHead2Go. Weird? Revolutionary? You decide...

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