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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitor problem with Asus A8N32 SLI and 2 ATI x850
Loren   2005-11-09 14:34
I used to have an Asus A8n SLI deluxe board, with 2 ATI x850 dual DVI cards.

I run one monitor off the primary card, and 2 monitors (all monitors are Viewsonic VP201b) off the second card.

Everytime I boot windows, only 2 monitors show up. I had to go in everytime and fiddle with enableing, disabling, re-enabling, pulling cables etc to get the third to turn on.

I got sick of it, thought it must be the motherboard, so just yesterday grabbed a new ASUS A8N32 SLI Deluxe, with dual 16x PCIe slots.

Same issue.

I have to go into the ATI control panel, go to displays, turn off the TV, and turn on the Flatscreen. Issue is sometimes, the second slatscreen isnt even in the ATI tool.

Anyone had found a fix to this. I know a few have had this issue, but there has to be some way to run 3 monitors from 4 DVI ports on 2 cards...
Waetfo   2005-11-12 07:18
Well x850s dont support Crossfire or SLi, so they cant be both used at the same time. You should have got 2 7800GTs or something if you wanted 2 cards to run 3 monitors.
Zardoz   2005-11-19 14:10
I would not worry about crossfire or SLI, you are not using that feature at all. you basally have a 2 card setup. anyways have you tried putting 2 monitors on the primary card and one on the second... that might work better...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitor problem with Asus A8N32 SLI and 2 ATI x850

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