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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV resolution limitations
MasamuneXGP   2005-11-14 10:36
Hello again all.
I just bought an LCD monitor to replace my piece-of-crap CRT. I plan to get another one eventually for a two-monitor setup, but that's another story. Anyway upon hooking my new LCD up, I quickly discovered that 1024x786 isn't doing it for me anymore, so I switched to 1280x1024, which looks incredible.

However, now I have a problem. As you may or may not know from my last post, I have a TV hooked up to my card's TV-out for the purpose of watching video on it. However, apperently my video card can only support a maximum resolution of 1024x786 on the TV, so now when I fullscreen a video on my computer, it appears cropped on the TV.

So, how do I fix this without constantly switching between resolutions? Would buying a new video card be an option? Are there any that can support 1280x1024 on a TV, or is the maximum resolution a limitation of TVs in general?

Thanks in advance =)
Slackmaster K   2005-11-14 11:59
I've never seen a TV go higher. In fact, since a TV naturally blurs the image anyway, why bother? Just do what I do and use it for video playback only.

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MasamuneXGP   2005-11-14 12:05
Well that's what I'd like to do. But the problem is, when I fullscreen a video, it fullscreens to my monitor's resolution, not my TV's. So when I view it on my TV, it appears cropped because the image is too big.
Waetfo   2005-11-14 14:27
Its your tv limiting the res, you would need an HDTV to go higher.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV resolution limitations

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