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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> no dvd on 2nd monitor
xyberx   2005-11-16 18:18
i got a 2 monitor setup, my 2nd is facing my bed so my boy can watch vids/cartoons in file format, but when i try to play a dvd on the 2nd monitor i get a blank frame. this only happens with dvds(which i play with powerdvd), files under windows media7 and windows media9 work fine(except the filter seems to not werk on display2, but they do play).

primary=3dfx voodoo3/2000
secondary=diamond stealth3d 2000(s3 virge)

ive heard ppl blame directx but when i run dxdiag, directdraw and direct3d tests run successfully.

i would really appreciate some help.
im running outta hd space for my sons videos =p
Zardoz   2005-11-19 14:00
try turning off video overlay in your player...

MIchael   2007-09-22 19:17
Turning off hardware acceleration in the powerdvd options fixed the blank screen on the secondary monitor
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> no dvd on 2nd monitor

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