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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors wallpaper is in wrong order
B8factor   2005-11-19 12:00
I have 3 monitors and use UltraMon. I have a 9X wallpaper that I USE to have perfect on my desktop. I messed with some settings and now the wallpaper does not show correctly. It starts with the center monitor and then moved to the right monitor and then to the left, the image is out of order.

I do not know where to adjust the settings that change the order of what portion of the image is stored on which monitor. I had it working at one time. :(
Christian Studer   2005-11-19 23:44
Just go to the UltraMon wallpaper settings (UltraMon menu > Wallpaper), UltraMon will then ask you if the wallpaper should be adjusted for the new display configuration.

Christian Studer -
Seahorse   2005-11-20 03:27
Right click on desktop and check out the monitor line ups...

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors wallpaper is in wrong order

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