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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video across two monitors
Christopher Martin   2005-12-03 01:12
I recently bought 2 19"LCDs and have them connected to a GeForce 6600 AGP card. For two applications, they work fine, but I have some questions:

1. How do I span video across both monitors? I have horizontal spanning enabled via nVidia.

2. Is there a good video player that will allow saved movies and/or DVDs to play in a widescreen format across both monitors? When I use PowerDVD 4.0 in horizontal spanning - I get a tiny widescreen on my secondary display and cropped fullscreen on my primary display.

3. Additionally, does anyone have any advice in setting up games to support dual monitors? Perhaps I need three monitors (doubt the wife would allow that) but in stuff like NWN or Morrowind, the part where the monitors join really destroys the bonus to more video realestate.
justmoon   2005-12-03 05:49
Try using VLC, it has native support for image walls.

Go Settings > VIdeo > Filters > Image wall

(You should be able to get it working with other players, too, but I can't tell you how.)
Christopher Martin   2005-12-03 22:34
What is VLC and where can I find it?
sircle   2005-12-03 22:43
VLC is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
Christopher Martin   2005-12-08 04:45
Downloaded VLC and installed - still no luck.

Does anyone know how to span video across two monitors in an effort to make one very large widescreen?
jbigger   2005-12-08 09:36
I also downloaded it. I see the video wall option
but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Shmee150   2005-12-14 22:25

I had this problem with a 7800GTX, and I can't really remember the precise details but something to do with whether the two screens were being detected by the windows settings or the nvidia settings. A lot of fiddling got me into a horizontal span and dvds open full screen. Another slight piece of advice is that to watch something across both screens, i'm not sure if this is a standard problem, but i've found that I have to open another video file in the background. Say I must open a .avi file in Windows Media Player before I open a DVD in PowerDVD to watch full screen. Weird problem I know!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video across two monitors

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