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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal Spanning Resolution
Christopher Martin   2005-12-03 02:08
Another question for ya'll...

I'm using a GeForce 6600 attached to two 19" LCDs with a native resolution of 1280x1024 - when I go to horizontal span the two desktops, shouldn't I expect a resolution of 2560x2168? (exactly twice that?)

For some reason, I think I'm getting something like 2048x768? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Tantalus   2005-12-03 03:13
>>shouldn't I expect a resolution of 2560x2168


the first number is the x-axis, the xecond number is the y-axis. so if each of your monitors run at 1280x1024 and you decide to span them, then you've only increased the x-axis. the y-axis remains 1024 unless you were add displays either above or below.

thus spanned mode for you would be 2560x1024.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal Spanning Resolution

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