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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pop up windows
J. Robinson   2005-12-03 09:21

We recently bought Matrox QID LP PCIe.

The graphic card is connected to four monitors.

When an application is directed to start on for example monitor nr. 3 it started ok.

However the major problem is that, when a window or a dialog box is opened in the same application on monitor nr. 3, then it always pop up on monitor nr.1.
And our applications we are dealing with use or open many different dialog boxes in the same application.

In fact it does not matter where the application is opened, either on monitor nr. 2, 3 or 4, one experiences the same troubles.

That means that every or any dialog boxes that are opened on any secondary monitors, will pop up on the primary monitor (nr.1).

Are there any ways and means to solve or control these pop up problems. It is becoming a very big headache for us

NB: We installed UltraMon 2.6

Thanks in advance
Christian Studer   2005-12-03 09:59
ZMover might help with this.

UltraMon currently has no support for restricting application windows to a specific monitor. Support for this will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pop up windows

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