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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2D Performance?
Sean Ferguson   2005-12-06 06:00
I've noticed my 2D performance is really slow now that I've moved to dual monitors. I am running 1920x1200 in my primary display and 1600x1200 in my secondary.

Has anyone else noticed this?


(Sorry, I posted this in wrong spot originally)
Waetfo   2005-12-06 16:32
Whats your graphics card? Low range ones that arent powerful cant handle processing multiple monitors in high resolutions.
Sean Ferguson   2005-12-07 02:41
Matrox P650. I'd hope it would be capable enough. :)
ECarlson   2005-12-08 14:46
At what resolution combo does the performance start to go down, for example, if you drop both down to 1280x1024, is the performance normal? If so, start going up from there until the performance drops, and please let us know the point at which it drops. Also, by what method are you judging performance.

I'm running an old Matrox G450 at 1280x1024 + 1024x768, and performance is fine.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2D Performance?

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