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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unable to set up dual cards with win2k.. quite strange...
Calle   2001-06-20 07:51
Hope anyone has any insight into this:

I've got an Asus 7700 agp as my main card, all running on a KT7-raid mb. I bought a cheap little TNT2-card to use as a second display. However when I've got this bugger installed win2k refuses to start up. Actually it stops with a black screen directly when it starts reading from HD... (so it's _possible_ it's even lower than 2k thing bugger out...) booting a DOS floppy works alright, but that doesn't really say anything.

Anyone with any suggestions?
Winger   2001-07-11 09:23
Im having the same problem with a GF2 GTS AGP and a S3 Trio + Virge, but the common link between his and my problem is im running a KT7A-RAID mobo.... Anyone else know of any probs with the mobo?

Winger ;)
Charcaroth   2001-07-15 05:59
I hate to add to the problem and not to the solution, but I've got the same problem, only my 2000 partition won't boot off the newly installed (and BIOS set to primary) pci card. If i set the AGP card to primary, it works fine. If I set the PCI card to primary (as I want to do) the monitor goes out and the hard drive stops spinning as soon as the boot manager goes to the 2000 partition. Anybody with any ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unable to set up dual cards with win2k.. quite strange...

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