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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning Video
Christopher Martin   2005-12-09 23:56
You'll laugh, I somehow found out how to do this and then it was lost...I am sorely in need of how to span video via PowerDVD across two monitors with a GeForce 6600 card.

Please any help would be appreciated.
Slackmaster K   2005-12-14 11:14
Depends on your hardware. Using nView or ATI's Catalyst Control Center, you should have an option called "Horizontal Span" somewhere. The card will treat the two screens as one really wide screen, but your framerate will take an incredible hit. Of course if your card is designed to do this (i.e., Matrox Parhelia) you should have more options.

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Slackmaster K   2005-12-14 11:15
that sig didn't work out as I had hoped, lets try again...

[ DamnedNice
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Slackmaster K   2005-12-14 11:15

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spanning Video

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