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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia 6600 refresh problem
chris   2005-12-11 19:21
hello all.
Im not new to multiple monitors but i have a problem i cant figure out.

I have a 6600GT, when i try set up multiple monitors windows dosnt see it as two monitors it just sees one very wide one (after i set it all up using the nvidia tools).
The problem is this is also how ultramon sees it.
This is causing problems, some pops up come up on second monitor and i dont seem to beable to get the second monitor to do any refresh rate other then 65hz.
I have always just used windows to set up 2 monitors, and ultramon for what the missing functionality. Worked like a dream.

So is there any way to tell nvidia i will work it out and get windows to see both monitors (have the 2 sceens disply in the screen properties)?

Windows xp
one monitor on the normal plug, one on the DVI to vga plug.

any help would be much appricated

Christian Studer   2005-12-12 01:08
Switching from span to DualView mode will fix this, the option is on the Nvidia tab under advanced display properties.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia 6600 refresh problem

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