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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Have extra monitor and card..what can I do?
Don L.   2005-12-12 12:02
I run an nvidia 6600GT card with two monitors on it (AGP). I have another monitor and an nvidia
TNT card that I'd like to add (PCI).
It can't be as easy as pop it in and go. Will I be able to see anything other than stretched across three monitors? Do I need another program ? I put the PCI card in and the other two monitors froze up and only the one on the TNT card worked.....any thoughts?

Don Loy
Christian Studer   2005-12-14 01:52
You could try if changing the BIOS primary video card fixes the problem.

To do this, enter BIOS configuration and look for a setting which lets you select either the AGP or PCI video card as primary.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Have extra monitor and card..what can I do?

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