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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors.
Akash   2005-12-12 17:26
Hey i am new to the whole dual monitor scene, but i wanted to know if its possible to have the start menu button on both monitors. And if you can, is that called mirroring. I have tried setting that option and i always get, faied to set up mirror targer monitors. I have tried restartin my pc and it gives the same error. I am using a ati radeon 9250 agp card......let me know how i can go about fixing this problem or what is the answer to my problem....


Akash Agarwal
Christian Studer   2005-12-14 01:55
That's possible with clone/mirroring mode.

You could either use your video card's clone mode or UltraMon's mirroring feature.

When configuring UltraMon mirroring, make sure to configure the secondary monitor to mirror the primary monitor. If it's the other way around, you'll get the error message you mentioned.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors.

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