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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sony VAIO won't support second monitor via second video card
David DeRolph   2005-12-14 13:08
An associate has a Sony VAIO, model PCV-RZ44G, which we wanted to connect a second monitor to. The computer came with a nVidia GeForce FX card in an AGP slot. For a second monitor, we installed a second video card with a nVidia chip in a PCI slot.

The computer would not complete startup with two monitors attached. We had to remove the PCI card. I accessed CMOS Setup to view BIOS settings, and found absolutely nothing pertaining to video.

This computer has had the motherboard replaced under the manufacturer’s warranty; it is supposedly the same motherboard as the original. I’m just amazed that this computer won’t support a second monitor. Perhaps it would if we had replaced the AGP card with a single card that will support two monitors. But, it should also support a second monitor connected to a PCI card. I’ve got this very setup at home (AGP card for primary monitor plus PCI card for second monitor – both cards have nVidia graphic chips).

I found the BIOS in the Sony to be quite simple; it lacks various features I see in the BIOS my home computer, even though it has an inexpensive ECS K7S5A PRO motherboard. Bear in mind, this is a computer which retailed for significantly above $1,000; I see it’s still priced above $1,000 on some websites. It’s a Media Center computer with Windows XP Media Center Edition (not the best choice for an office computer – I don’t know why he bought it).

Just wondering whether anybody had used dual monitors with one of these Sony’s and how they did it.
David DeRolph   2005-12-20 03:00
The solution to this problem is posted at Does choice of PCI slot sometimes matter for PCI video cards?
R.Perera   2012-03-29 00:54
I tried the same and browsing for advice.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sony VAIO won't support second monitor via second video card

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