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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> secondary monitor bad quality
stlthninja   2005-12-14 16:19
alright, im running an ati radeon 9800 pro and deceided to run dual monitors just for fun. I have a sony 19' lcd flat-panel as my main monitor running to the DVI input on the radeon. my second monitor is my old hp 17' flat-screen running to the VGA port on the radeon. both at 1280x1024 res.

the problem is the quality on the hp is signifitely lower than it should be. it looks kinda washed out and not as crisp as it should be. now I know it's its never gonna look as good as my sony but when I used it as my primary the quality was much better. Ive tried tons of stuff and nothing seems to help.

also cant run openGL on both monitors and would really like to if anyone could help with that.
Christian Studer   2005-12-15 06:53
Did you have the 17" connected via DVI previously? That would explain the loss in image quality.

Christian Studer -
stlthninja   2005-12-15 11:58
no it was always connected via the vga, but not on this pc though. it was previously on my old hp running on its onboard video.
ECarlson   2005-12-18 03:28
Make sure the refresh rate is set to 60.hz for all LCD monitors. After that, make sure to run the monitor's built-in auto-adjust feature so it can sync to the analog signal.

Please let us know if any of this helps. If not, then you probably need a different video card.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> secondary monitor bad quality

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