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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple mons and triple wallpaper
Timken   2005-12-15 03:11
I have a triple monitor setup. I am trying to use one of the triple monitor wallpapers from However, I can not get it to display correctly, what should be the part of the image that should display on the center monitor displays on the left, the right side of the image displays in the center etc... its all jumbled up. I am using the tile mode for my wallpaper. The center monitor is connected to the built in motherboard video. The left and right monitors are connected to a PCI PNY Quadro video card. How can I get this to display correctly? I dont really want to use the ultramon software if not necessay. Thanks.
Slackmaster K   2005-12-15 04:43
My reccommendation would be to run Ultramon, make the wallpaper file, save it, then uninstall Ultramon. If you don't want to use Ultramon or other software to do this, you have two choices:

1. Set monitor #1 all the way to the left, both physically and logically. #2 in the middle, #3 on the right. Ideally, run them all in the same resolution.

2. Edit your wallpaper file per-pixel. Make a backup. The wallpaper is rendered starting at (1,1 @#1), meaning the top-left pixel of monitor #1. From there it goes down and to the right. For example, if your monitor arrangement is #2,1,3 (#1 in the center), Windows will show the left side in the middle and the middle on the left, while the right monitor would look correct. Let's say all monitors run in 1280x1024. In this case, you would need to swap the first 1280 rows of the image with rows 1281-2560. In other words, open the wallpaper file and a new-file window of the same dimensions. Copy a rectangle from 1281,1 to 2560,1024 and paste it into the new file at 1,1. Copy the original file's 1,1-1280,1024 block into the new file's 1281x2560-1024,2560 block into the new file at 1281,1. Copy the right side as it stands. You'll need to micromanage the paste work at the points of intersection (every 1280th column) to ensure it lines up properly. It will look wierd, but when you set it up it should display correctly.

Next step: Load the edited image as your wallpaper, set to TILE, and it should display correctly. If not, you should look at either running Ultramon or physically rearranging your monitors.

Slackmaster K
Proprietor, Damned Nice
slackmaster K   2005-12-15 04:44
It quickly becomes obvious why they made software to do this.
Flamebait   2005-12-20 16:16
No followup detected. Did this answer your question? Or has the tedium gotten to you :)

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple mons and triple wallpaper

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