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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop LCD Monitor Disabled no secondary
Keane Machine   2005-12-15 06:26
Started a game and the screen flashed and turned my LCD monitor off. On reboot, the LCD connected to my laptop remained off and my secondary monitor remained off also. The computer starts, however, i have no video to work on. The harddrive seems fine. Nothing happens when disconnecting the secondary and connecting to another seconday, the video remains off. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated but remember, i have no video to work off of and also do not have another laptop to exchange HDs to.
Christian Studer   2005-12-15 06:35
Your laptop should have a special key which allows you to switch between the internal and external monitor.

Try if pressing this key enables the internal monitor.

For example on my Dell Latitude X300, I need to press the function key + F8 to switch displays. The key is labeled CRT/LCD.

Christian Studer -
Keane Machine   2005-12-18 15:20
Thanks, that worked, its fn+f4 on my hp, however it seems this a total graphics/motherboard issue and i'm on my way to returning the laptop for repair or replacement, hopefully a replacement upgrade to zd8000, the fan placement is terrible, and very very buggy overall for a machine. thanks though, ultramon is still amazing too.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop LCD Monitor Disabled no secondary

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