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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming trouble
Don   2005-12-15 19:33
I've run into this with 2 games so far; Dungeon Seige 2 and Ultimate Spiderman. While playing the mouse curser will get moved to the secondary monitor and when I click on anything ingame it minimises the game and puts me at my desktop. In DS2 it's just anoying but in Ult. SMan it makes it impossible to get through the game. In the middle of a big battle suddenly the game is gone and I have to try to restart in mid-action and I get killed constantly. I'm using an ATI X800 with XP Pro. I'm thinking it's could be in some settings somewhere but I can't find anything in the games or under display.
Thanks for any help,

Christian Studer   2005-12-16 01:07
UltraMon has a fix for this, you can lock the mouse to the primary monitor via hotkey. Another solution is MouseJail.

Alternatively you could also disable the secondary monitor before starting the game.

Christian Studer -
Don   2005-12-21 19:58
Thanks for your help I'll try the free option first.


Matthew   2005-12-27 08:16
My problem is the opposite, i want the mouse to move to my left screen while playing my games (mainly world of warcraft). But the mouse is locked in a full screen application...
Imre   2006-01-05 23:18
Hi, I have the same problem, though i dont want to lock my mouse, because i want to use my second monitor for music programs or IE when im playing a game.
So does some one know how to stop minimizing a game when i use a program on the other monitor?
Mike   2006-01-09 15:34
I'm in the same boat for WoW, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Mesa   2006-01-09 17:05
I have my Wow displayed in maximized windowed mode, its in the video options just check windowed and maximized. This enables you to scroll through ur other monitor and it doesnt 'alt tab' out if u click out of the game. Hope this helps
Mike   2006-01-09 17:13
Absolutely beautiful Mesa. That's exactly what I needed!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming trouble

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