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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resoultion Question
Jack C   2005-12-18 05:12
Hi all,

I currently have a 17" tft, and i wanna go dual. So im looking at getting a 19" Widescreen TFT to go alongside the 17".

The 19W" runs at 1440 X 900 and my 17" is 1280x1024.

If i buy this and use ultramon, will i have any issues working with 2 seperate desktops at different resoultions? i.e moving windows across e.t.c?

Would it be better to get a normal 19" screen? I really want widescreen but cannot afford to go for a 20.1"

Thanks for any tips.
Christian Studer   2005-12-18 11:09
It's not a real issue, but might take some getting used to.

For example one problem is that when you have the monitors aligned at the top, and you move the mouse near the bottom of the 17" monitor to the 19" monitor, you'll hit an invisible 'wall' and you'll need to move the mouse up a bit in order to move it to the other monitor.

This is due to the difference in vertical resolution, 900 vs 1024 pixels.

In my experience you get used to this quite quickly.

Christian Studer -
Paul   2006-01-26 00:16
But isn't it possible to add an option that makes "relative" translation of the mouse pointer if you switch monitors? Or is this too "Windows" baked in?
Christian Studer   2006-01-26 06:52
I'm going to look into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it is actually possible.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resoultion Question

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