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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PC reboots if I try and change Nview settings
Matt   2005-12-27 04:24
I was having problems previously so I recently upgraded my Forceware drivers to the new 81.98 ones.

Now whenever I try to amend any of my Nview settings [such as changing the Primary Monitor] my PC reboots with no warning. This is quite regular but not every time I change a setting.

I've tried uninstalling in Safe Mode and also used Driver Cleaner Pro. It doesn't make any difference. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Anyone got any ideas as to how I can troubleshoot this? As nothing is left in the Event Viewer and reinstalling doesn't fix it is reinstalling XP my only option?

BFG 7800 GTX OC 256MB
Asus A8N-SLI Premium
2GB Mushkin XP DDR500
Dell 2405FPW TFT + Sagem HD-D45 DLP RPTV
Christian Studer   2005-12-27 10:09
Sounds like the Nvidia driver crashes, and the system gets restarted automatically.

You can disable the automatic system restart under Control Panel > System > Advanced > Startup and Recovery. You will then get an error message instead of the automatic restart.

Christian Studer -
Matt   2005-12-27 18:48
That setting was already configured before I started having the problem. I don't get any errors on-screen, and the Event Viewer seems oblivious to any problems.

For a while I suspected it was UltraMon causing it so I have uninstalled that for now. Alas it definitely is the driver. I just don't know if it's clashing with something else on my system or whether 81.98 just has a fault. Today I will try 81.95 or an older driver.

BFG 7800 GTX OC 256MB
Asus A8N-SLI Premium
2GB Mushkin XP DDR500
Dell 2405FPW TFT + Sagem HD-D45 DLP RPTV
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PC reboots if I try and change Nview settings

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