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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which video card does the processing?
Martin Bishop   2001-06-24 16:39
i've heard (although i can't remember fom where) that the 'power' of any secondary video cards really doesn't matter because the burden of processing falls entirely on the primary video card. Does anyone know anything about this?

Basically, is there any point is buying three really nice video cards if only the primary video card is going to be doing the processing?

Thanks in advance.
Christian Studer   2001-06-24 21:53
What was probably meant is that video card-intensive applications like games and movies usually run on the primary card, and the secondary cards only run standard 2D applications.

If that's how you are going to use your system, the performance of the secondary cards really doesn't matter. But each card handles the display for one monitor, the primary card doesn't do any processing for secondary monitors.

If you want to play movies on secondary monitors, need high resolutions or want to run 3D applications on multiple monitors, you should definitely get decent secondary cards.

Christian Studer
Martin Bishop   2001-06-24 23:08
Exactly what i was looking for.

The person i spoke to stated that all secondary video cards just supplied extra ports to connection extra monitors, and the entire processing load fell upon the primary video card. Thanks for correcting that.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which video card does the processing?

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