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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to secondary monitor and automatically primary turned off Nvidia GeForce caed
Hai   2005-12-28 23:07
I use Nvidia GeForce 5200 FX card, Ultramon.
I have it on my laptop, and i have an external monitor.
1)I would like to play game on secondary monitor.
But i can't bring my game to there. I checked my game setting there is no window setting. How can i bring the game to second monitor.?
I can drag anything to second monitor, except game
2)Other thing is that when i run Windows Media Full Screen on primary monitor, i see a part of windows media freezed on secondary monitor.
Imre   2006-01-07 00:40
The only thing I can think of, is to look inside the config file of the game you want to play, and look for a line with something like "set fullscreen 1", and change that to 0.
can't help you with the WMP problems
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to secondary monitor and automatically primary turned off Nvidia GeForce caed

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