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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Display Order & Primary Video Card Selection Help
Nam Tran   2005-12-30 16:37

I just installed a Radeon 7000 Stealth S60 32mb DDR PCI to my computer.

My current graphics card is an ATI 128MB DDR 9800 Pro AGP

The problem that I am having is that after the install of the stealth card it has become default.

How do I make my agp the default card and the pci the secondary card?

currently the order from left to right under display settings:

Monitor 2: P&P Monitor on 128mb DDR ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
Monitor 1: P&P Monitor on Diamond S60 32MB DDR Radeon 7000 PCI
Monitor 3: (Defailt Monitor) on 128mb DDR ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Sec
Monitor 4: P&P Monitor on Diamond S60 32MB DDR Radeon 7000 PCI

I currently only have 2 monitors but I intend to purchase one more in teh next 2 weeks

how do i fix my current problem? I would like to make the agp my primary and pci secondary. i also would like to chg the order of display

I would like #1 in the middle #2 to my right and 3 to my left.

Thanks for your help
ECarlson   2005-12-31 01:42
You change the primary in Display Properties (Click "Use this device as the primary monitor"). You also change the position there by draging the monitors into the correct positions.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Display Order & Primary Video Card Selection Help

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