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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Suggest a 939 motherboard for triple monitor setup?
Econofrost   2005-12-30 21:24

I am building 4400+ system and am seeking a mobo that will allow me to support 3 monitors. I'm not a gamer or overclocker, just a big time multi-tasker. My current Pentium system achieves 3 displays with an AGP and PCI combo where both cards are Nvidia-based.

Out in the market, I see just one 939 socket card that supports AGP, so I'm thinking of upgrading to PCI Express display cards.

This leads to three questions:

1) Am I right to conclude that a decent setup would be to find a 939 mobo with two x16 slots and into each I would plug a card (such as a 6800) that supports dual monitors?

2) Should I use a mobo with an Nvidia chipset if I plan to use Nvidia graphics cards?

3) Are there any particular cards you would care to suggest?

Thanks so much!
Gizmo   2005-12-31 08:00
Hi there

you might like to take a look at the the Asroc939Dual-SATA2 m/board

Manufactures web page


I just picked up one the other week with a 4400+ and its been a great little board sofar

im driving dual head from a 6800GT AGP atm to 2 21" 1100DF CRT @1600x1200 & the main reason i decided to grab one of these boards while going 939 is because it supports both AGP & Pci-e on the same board at the same time!

This way ive been able to keep hold of the aging 6800gt agp but will still beable to upgrade to a PCI-E card when my bank blance permits(or when the ATI 1800xl 512mb come down a little)

you could infact drive upto 5 displays x2 from a dual head Pci-e X2 from and AGP and x1 from a standard PCI board from this board but thats a little OTT if you ask me!

hope this helps a little

happy new year
BIll   2006-01-09 13:57
Funny you should ask...check out the new Shuttle SN26P (LAN Gaming rig primarily). Dual PCIe x16 slots w/ Nvidia SLI chipset. Haven't completed it yet (waiting on tax return $$$ to finish), but plan on putting 2 7800 GTXs SLI'ed to software switch between SLI gaming on my 21" LCD and then disable SLI in software to span across and include the 2 19" LCDS (one on either side) for non-gaming multi-tasking. I hope this will work as I plan...any ideas?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Suggest a 939 motherboard for triple monitor setup?

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