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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> set up
ic0n   2006-01-02 09:55
i have 2 cft screens and i want to set them up running Ultramon but i dont know how to plug them both in my graphics card only has the one output for my cft
ECarlson   2006-01-02 10:10
You need to add another video output to your computer, either by adding a second video card, or by replacing the old card with an ordinary dual-output card.

Read the information on this site, and in this forum, and you should find all the answers you need.

- Eric,
ic0n   2006-01-02 23:29
the card i have is very expensive and top-spec
so replacing not a option
is there some sort of adapter i can get to do this job?
ECarlson   2006-01-03 15:14
No, but you could add a cheap PCI card to drive the second monitor. I'm running both of my monitors off one Matrox G450 PCI card with no problems.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-01-03 15:18
Actually, it depends: If you want both monitors to display the exact same thing, then all you need is a good video signal splitter box (like they use for monitor displays in stores). If you want to have your desktop go across both monitors, then you need to add another video output to your computer.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> set up

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