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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hooking up my LCD TV
Spacelord   2006-01-06 09:49

I recently bought a nice 32 inches Samsung LCD TV. Those you see with Xbox 360 in stores :P and i can't seem to use it right as a second monitor on my pc. Whenever i power it on, my desktop is automaticly cloned on it with a crappy picture. In fact, ALL resolutions are crappy and almost unreadable unless it's in 800x600. If i enable secondary display with Ultramon or windiws display manager, my CRT monitor gets the extend. I can't seem to have TWO display like i use to with my previous CRT TV but only -multiple monitor- on my primary display.

Can any of you help me get a good high resolution of my TV so i can game like it was just a big lcd monitor for my pc? PLEASE HELP!

Spacelord   2006-01-06 09:50
Oh btw, I use an ATI X850 xt platinum. VGA is for my CRT monitor and i use a DVI to HDMI to hook up my tv. I use omega drivers 5.12.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hooking up my LCD TV

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