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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple displays on a VIA EPIA M10000 miniITX board
PaulM   2006-01-09 05:48
Has anyone got two video displays working with the VIA EPIA M10000 miniITX board ?

I've tried an S3 Virge PCI card as secondary graphics display but it's not even recognised.

I've now got a Matrox Millenium G450 dual head PCI card but am not having any luck there either. Matrox simply say the M10000 is unsupported, I can't get any reply from VIA.

I can boot into Windoze 2k with the internal AGP graphics as the primary display and load the Matrox drivers but I can't get any further. The Matrox card (both heads) is listed in device manager but has no I/O allocated to it, hence remains blank.

I can also boot into Windoze 2k using the Matrox G450 as the primary display but when I load the Matrox drivers it hangs.

The BIOS and all the drivers are the latest from VIA and Matrox. I've tried older Matrox drivers, but no luck. Unfortunately the on board AGP display cannot be disabled in the BIOS, I suspect this may be the source of the problem.

Anyone got any suggestions please ?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple displays on a VIA EPIA M10000 miniITX board

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