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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Choppy video on secondary monitor.
Deam   2006-01-10 12:12
I have a pcie 6600GT and a PCI FX5200. When I watch TV through Dscaler or divx/xvid on the secondary monitor in full screen, the video gets choppy. With the XVID it is obvious, with Dscaler, it is subtle, but I can tell there is an issue via the OSD notifying me of dropped frames.

However, when I set the FX5200 as primary and disable the secondary monitors of the 6600gt, there is no problem.

WHat migh tbe going on?
Deam   2006-01-19 14:13
I've done some further testing, and it does appear that when using the secondary card, there is a decrease in performance on the secondary card.

ANy help would be appreciated.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Choppy video on secondary monitor.

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