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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 6600... can i use two monitors?
Marco ( ITA )   2006-01-11 08:01
Hi Guys! Im a newbe of "multi-monitor"... so a lot of thinks are not so clear to me!
First of all... I cannot understand if I can connect two monitor to my video-card ( Nvidia GeForce 6600 - PCI Express )... and if I can... how? Connecting one monitor to the standard VGA plug, and one monitor to the DVI plug? Just in case... is this the best solution? I have not so much space on my MB to another PCI card...
Thanks to everybody!

Seahorse   2006-01-11 09:46
You are correct both times. You might need a DVI converter if using analogue monitor...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Max   2006-01-11 09:46
No, you can't. it's forbidden by law.
if you do, you will got police ringing
your door bell in minutes and taking
you and your secondary monitor to the
police station to clarify why you need
two monitors when everyone on the planet
safe use one. With 3 monitors, instead,
you don't break any rules and you can
play your games in surround mode.

good luck. I did warn you.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 6600... can i use two monitors?

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