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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor doesn't power on at startup.
Luke   2006-01-20 07:44
Hello, this is my first post. I've searched for threads on this topic but have found nothing.

I have a GEForce 6600 card with 2 DVI slots (as seen at this link):

Anyways, I have 2 20" LCD monitors plugged into this video card. My other video card was on board and I disabled it so I could use the AGP card I installed. That went well.

I recently purchased the second monitor and configured settings through windows display and NVidia display settings. On both, the left monitor is primary and #1, and the right monitor is second and #2.

I have it set up for "extending desktop onto XXX monitor..."

The NVidia setting is for "dual view"

Anyways, I set this up, and I got the left monitor with the taskbar and a black right monitor to which I could move things.

I downloaded ultramon and used the smart taskbar.

So, why is it that when I turn my monitors off (to go to sleep) and then back on in the morning, only the primary display powers up and gives me a desktop?

It also does this when I restart. I checked the FAQ and found nothing. I am hoping this is something obviously fixable.

Thanks in advance!

Luke   2006-01-20 07:45
I should also add that I am just a lowly poker player and I know very little about hardware.

So KISS. :)
Christian Studer   2006-01-20 11:07
My guess would be that this is an issue with the video card driver.

Do you still have the problem when you uninstall UltraMon?

Christian Studer -
Luke   2006-01-21 05:05
Yes, I still have a problem when I uninstall Ultramon.

They're just not working. :(

I used DriverCleaner and reinstalled new drivers, and still nothing.

Luke   2006-01-21 16:38
I made this thread at It describes my problem slightly better:
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor doesn't power on at startup.

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