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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Millennium P750
Lawrence   2006-01-24 10:34
The Matrox Millennium P750 is supposed to be a 3-head card. It has two DVI outputs, one of which can be split into two Analog outputs (or one analog and one TV) for a total of three. However, it only works to make three monitors into one very wide monitor. Has anyone had success disabling all the Matrox software and using only Ultramon? Hasn't worked for me so far.

When I had an two-head AGP card plus a PCI video card (same ATI chipset), I had three completely independent monitors.
Christian Studer   2006-01-25 06:21
UltraMon doesn't support the triplehead mode of the Matrox P750 and Parhelia.

The problem is that the triplehead mode always operates in span mode instead of regular multi-monitor mode, meaning that UltraMon and Windows only see a single large monitor instead of 3.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Millennium P750

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