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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to pull ALL applications back to main window
Curtiss Murphy   2006-01-25 02:54
The main problem I have with using multiple monitors is that sometimes, when I take my laptop on the road, or to a meeting, I end up loosing applications!

Like, I'll re-open MS Outlook, but it's usually on Monitor 2, so, I can't see it. Same thing with text editors, etc... Or, when I go into standby at work, I left an app on the 2nd monitor. When I go home, I can't get to it because it's off-screen.

Is there a simple way with either Win XP or with Ultramon to just pull all your open applications back to the main window? I don't care if they're not centered or whatever, just that I can access them!

Deam   2006-01-26 04:24
Does disabling the second monitor from the laptop not bring everything back? YOu should be able to enable and disable the second monitor, either using ultramon, and then the apps on the second "no longer present" monitor shoudl come back to the primary monitor. Some programs, like winamp, I find, have minor issues, but generally that is how it works. I think your issue is that you are not disabling the second monitor when using a single monitor.
Deam   2006-01-26 04:24
Sorry, either using ultramon or just going into the display settings.
Curtiss Murphy   2006-01-26 08:20
Typically, the problem has been that I close my laptop, it goes into 'Standby' mode, and then when I try to start back up, there are applications that I can't find.

The other problem is when I close some apps, then disable the 2nd monitor, when I open the apps back up, they often put windows where the 2nd monitor used to be.

It's frequent enough that I stopped using dual monitors. Does Ultramon fix this kind of thing?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to pull ALL applications back to main window

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