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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Scroll Tablet Trust and MultipleScreen
OgeGOon   2006-01-25 07:45

My question is : is UltraMon the solution to my problem ?

And my problem is :

I have three screens connected on my PC via two ATI Radeon 9200 and 9600. They are all simply managed by Windows. And it works fine.

Nevertheless, I have a small problem while using my graphics tablet Trust (TB-4200) :

When the pen reaches the left edge of the tablet, the mouse reaches the left side of the left Screen. When the pen reaches the right edge of the tablet, the mouse reaches the right side of the right Screen.

This is not what I want. Indeed, I usualy run PhotoShop on the central screen. So, I would like to map the Graphics Tablet with this central screen, in such a way that when the pen reaches the left edge of the Tablet, the mouse in ONLY at the left side of the central Screen... (and idem for the right).

I asked Trust how to configure my Tablet in order to do so... and they told me to use UltraMon. Unfortunatly, after reading the documentation, I really don't see how it will help me.

Can someone tells me if UltraMon can or not solve my problem and how ?

Thank you very much (and sorry for my poor english).

Christian Studer   2006-01-26 06:51
I also don't see how UltraMon would help with this, I would ask them for specific instructions.

Christian Studer -
OgeGOon   2006-01-27 08:48
Thank you for your answer Christian !

But I have got the following message from Trust today.

>Dear Customer,
>We will like to bring this new issue to the
>attention of our Research & Development
>department for a extended test.
>We request you to give us the time to improve
>this. We will contact you with more information
>about it.
>Sorry for the caused inconvenients.

At least, I have discovered UltraMon :o)

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Scroll Tablet Trust and MultipleScreen

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