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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cant run SIS6326 as 2nd card
Latts   2001-07-03 22:09

I have seen the specs on this site about people that run a SIS6326 chip as a 2nd card, but I cant do it!!!

I have a TNT2 AGP as my primary card, and when I install the SIS6326 (PCI) and go into device manager, the message says this card is not supported in multiple monitor format (or something like that).

What am I doing wrong???

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

ÐJ_PLãT!NµM   2001-07-03 22:14
this setup is totaly do-able you're probably usin' naff drivers.
make sure you're usin' the drivers you get with the card rather than the ones that windows provides
and if that doesn't work then see if you can find some one the net

let us know how it goes

Latts   2001-07-04 23:15
That did the trick!

Thanks very much. I was confused about this, because I read on the website to use the windows drivers. When it didnt work, I just figured I couldnt do it.

Thanks again.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cant run SIS6326 as 2nd card

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