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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> several boot problem 8 lcd monitor setup
Kris   2006-01-28 00:52
I've got me a setup of 8 19" lcd monitors (L91A hyundai), 1 club-3d ATI radeon 9250 AGP and 3 club-3d radeon 9250 PCI video adapters, MSI K8T Neo V, AMD sempron 3400+, 2Gb Ram, 160Gb western digital caviar en LG dvd-rom player. I have serious booting problems, I've replaced the no-name ps with a 460 Watt silverstone powersupply. That seemed to solve some problems. I did got it to work one time however(impressive by the way).
I also removed one Gb stick because it seems the mb does not adress this correctly. (if i got it to boot with all video-cards installed, the memory counts first until 1.5Gb and continues with a jump at 4Gb and then counts until 8Gb.
I believe the video-cards are in the adress space of the ram (4*128Mb=512--> 2G-0.5G=1.5G)
Maximum ram of the board is 2G so i might be asking to much from it. I'm ok with 1Gb ram, i can always put the remaining stick in another system.
I also did a bios update for the mb.
another problem is that the system just won't shut down. it always restarts after shutting down. tried several faq's over the internet on that subject but no solution.
The main problem is actually the video setup.
Wichever settings i try to get the system to boot, there is no consistency ith any setting. I mean if it starts and gets past post, and if i see the cards listend in the peripheral listing then i know when windows is started everything is ok. Next power on however, it may not work. I also checked if some boot settings are changed since power was gone, but that is not the case.
I've tried lots of bios settings, mostly playing with the pci irq settings (auto or fixed to several settings). not shure about this v-link support setting, don't know exectly what it does, but in som scheme's saw that it is between pci-bus so i tried enabled and disabled.
also enabled-disabled apic/acpi settings.
the one time i got them all to work (only one time in numerous boots) pci was the primary display (in bios). (i did connect the last 2 monitors after bootup - but that's not very handy to do every day)
It's also very frustrating to remove 1 or 2 pci cards before i can get in to bios again, change some setting, reinstall 1 or 2 cards, and then find that it still wont boot. (repeat...)
1 agp and 1pci video adapter work fine however, so 4 monitors is not a problem.
Kris   2006-01-28 19:49
Zed   2006-02-19 13:28
I have had weird things happen on my 6 mon system re ram. One time the system wouldn't start, played with ram, eventually found that swaping 1 into the 2 slot and 2 into 1 fixed problem.

I was always told you can't mix agp and pci. I see systems here that use both. What I would do - add cards one at a time, one pci, does it work? add second pci card, then third pci. I found that at each step the drivers had to be installed.

Try agp by itself, then try with one pci.

You may need to start by deleting all video drivers.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> several boot problem 8 lcd monitor setup

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