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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Additional video card in PCi slot
JOhn   2006-01-28 08:25
I have Nvidia GeForce 5700le in the AGP slot w/ two monitors( i know it's for gaming and not for trading), i'm looking to add another Video card into PCI slot w/ dual head capablities. I"m a day trader and I was wondering is it possible to stretch my trading platform across all 4 monitors between to two video cards. Sombody help me!!!.

Kris   2006-01-28 08:51
One AGP dual and one PCI dual should work fine.
there might be some bios tweeking needed.
stretching a window across is possible, some things may not work completely, like video, wich will probably show in one of the four screens.
but i guess your application would work fine.
good luck
JOhn   2006-01-28 08:58
I don't care about video.....but what's bios??

Kris   2006-01-28 09:06
if you don't know what the bios is you better let someone else install this graphics card for you.

if your curious :
what is bios

Kris   2006-01-28 09:08
sorry, seems to be a dead link.

basic input/output system
The BIOS is what's coded into a PC's ROM to provide the basic instructions for controlling system hardware. The operating system and application programs both directly access BIOS routines to provide better compatibility for such functions as screen display. Some makers of add-in boards such as graphics accelerator cards provide their own BIOS modules that work in conjunction with (or replace) the BIOS on the system's motherboard.
Rick   2006-01-31 00:04
You're chattin shit.. how can you tell me nvidia for example will give you a bios upgrade for your mobo? ha! hahahahaha! ha... ha ha!

you total pleb :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Additional video card in PCi slot

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