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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming on 3 monitors (long post with lots of details)
Drafin   2006-01-28 17:25
Ok here's my whole deal:

I have 3 monitors and two video cards. Card one is an AGP Nvid 5700LE 256 meg and has two of the monitors plugged into it. Card two is a PCI 64 meg mx4000 Nvid card.

I set the PCI in bios to be the init first.

I got the desktop spanning across all 3 monitors.

BUT in NView software when I got to make make them horizontal span I can only get it to pan across the monitors that are plugged into the AGP card.

Games will then span across two but not to the third monitor.

It stands to reason that since I can not get the spanning to the third monitor (which actually left to right is the first one) that it can only span onto the 2 monitors on the AGP card (monitors 2 and 3 in sequence from left to right).

I have tried it with all three monitors being the primary monitor (at different times of course) and still nada.

It seems that the nview software is forcing the two video cards to be split into seperate entities but and it will only span across the ones that are on the same vid card.

Is there something I am missing?

Hope it's a simple fix and I am just missing something.

Drafin   2006-01-29 05:17
Well a little update...

The desktops are fine but still no go on the gaming.

Anyone got any ideas?

Seahorse   2006-01-29 06:17
Nigh on impossible due to the way third screen works unless you play game in windowed mode (slow)...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Max   2006-01-29 12:07
Actually, this even doesn't look like to be true,
some games just works like you can specify
absolute coordinates of the screen, and when this
can be the sum of the whole display area, it's
just working like a fullscreen horizontal span
mode (always talking about 2+1 display over 1 agp
+ 1 pci architecture, nvidia chips)
jbigger   2006-01-30 10:03
As far as I know, Nview is completely worthless when your talking 3-monitor gaming. It works fine for 2 though (except for focal point)

I am only able to play certain games accross all 3 and always in "windowed mode".

As far as speed goes...It is true that 3-monitor gaming is very "demanding" on hardware, But Quake 3 arena played very well @ 2400 x 600 with no noticable slowdown.
Call of duty did good enough, I played it all the way through.

The last game I played was Medal of Honor "online"
it did reasonably well.

I believe if I had A faster computer w/ more ram I would be very pleased with the results.
Fogy   2006-02-07 12:52
What about using two PCI x16 slots, like on the Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe, and two dual head video cards? Can you use game with three monitors then?

Can you replace Nview with Ultramon to game on three?

I haven't shopped for a new pc in almost two years. I can't believe they haven't made a three monitor solution a piece of cake by now.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming on 3 monitors (long post with lots of details)

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