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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Samsung 970p with MagicTune software freezes system
Fredrick   2006-01-28 18:27
Matrox Parhelia AGP with NEC FP950 CRT & Samsung 970p
Matrox G650 Low Profile PCI with two Samsung 930B’s

I was never able to get the MagicTune GUI to work with the older 930B’s, so I used the monitor hardware OSD's. I just purchased a Samsung 970p to replace an older view sonic that failed. The monitor does not have a hardware OSD but shipped with a newer or different version of MagicTune and MagicRotation.

The MagicTune software will load but crashes during monitor configuration and locks the system.

The MagicRotation software causes all four monitors to rotate (i.e., vertical distortions on the three that are not pivot monitors)

Any recommendations that would help solve this problem and/or recommendations on comparable monitors without quirky features would be greatly appreciated

Thank you
Sanjyot   2006-02-01 22:21

The MagicRotation Software only supports dual monitors.
It does not support Multiple Monitors.

Probably that is the reason for distortion/vertical lines on other 3 monitors.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Samsung 970p with MagicTune software freezes system

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