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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor newbie
brian   2006-01-29 13:39
i am going to be setting up a dual monitor system, and i have a few questions and such.
first: i have two PCI slots and one 1xPCIe.
the only 1xPCIe card i have found is from Matrox, but with low MB. i guess i will stick to PCI.
Any recommendations on a card to buy? $100-$200 price range, both dualhead and single.

second: the single card is relative to this ?. Maxtor has a DualHeadGO adapter that allows you to
connect another monitor on it's external box.
Is this a better fit than the dualhead card?

thanks much...

LSD makes you crazy.
ECarlson   2006-02-02 10:28
Are you sure your current video card doesn't already have 2 outputs? If not, and you don't have an expensive card already, and you are going to buy a new card anyway, then just get a new dual-out card. Most, other than the cheapest cards, are dual-out.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor newbie

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