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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move Start menu and quick launch toolbar
chris   2006-01-31 02:02
Is there any way to move the Start menu and quick launch toolbar to another monitor? I have a 3 monitor display (and UltraMon) nd the start menu appears on the analog monitor, even though it's not the primary monitor.
It'd be nice also to move the Win taskbar as well ...

Christian Studer   2006-01-31 12:47
You can drag the Windows taskbar and Quick Launch to the other monitor with the mouse, just make sure the taskbar isn't locked.

You'll probably need to reset your Smart Taskbar configuration after moving the Windows taskbar, see the support page for more on doing this.

Christian Studer -
chris   2006-01-31 16:16
Thanks - that was really too simple. (After setting up the PCI card and the UltraMon options I was over-complicating things...)


Fred   2006-01-31 20:36
How about having the quicklaunch, start menus, desktop icons available on *both* monitors. And the 'show desktop' only affecting the monitor it's used on? In other words, having 2 complete independent desktops instead of a (nice) improvement over what is still basically one desktop spanning 2 monitors.
chris   2006-01-31 21:32
Thanks Fred, but I like the UltraMon result with uncluttered (smart) taskbars on the two subsidiary monitors. I tend to focus on one main monitor (which is where I want the Start menu etc) with the 2nd monitor holding the windows/palettes of the main program and the 3rd running an additional program for instructions/editing etc.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move Start menu and quick launch toolbar

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