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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help getting 3 monitors to work normally..
Nath   2006-01-31 07:45
Hi everyone, heres a bit of details hoping you can help me out.

I have 2 Geforce 6600 GT, and as it is now I got 3 monitors I want to work. Currently I got to a point where I have 2 monitors and a TV hooked up to the 'main' card, where I can switch between having any 2 of the 3 activated at the same time with NView..

First step I suppose is to figure out, well how do I get to use all 3 at once?

Second step is probably more problematic. The two cards are PCI-E, and they are linked with the bridge, although SLI is not activated.

Offhand, if I connect monitors to the 'secondary' card, theres no reaction and I cannot do anything with them as far as I can tell.

So assuming that it just wont work out, perhaps another option is getting a PCI GFX and using that for the third monitor, which brings me back to the first step, How do I get to use 3 monitors at once, whether on one card, or spread across 2 cards?

Thanks in advance.
Tantalus   2006-02-01 00:04
>>How do I get to use 3 monitors at once

you can't run 3 output devices simultaneously off of one card, the max = 2

>>whether on one card, or spread across 2 cards?

try removing the bridge. i don't have much experience setting up sli, but if you want to run 3 or more displays, you can't run sli anyway, so so might was well lose the bridge. then reload drivers and run nview again.
Nath   2006-02-01 01:11
Ahh the 2 displays per card max is what I was missing... since Im only gonna be enabling SLI when I play games, Im gonna go with putting an extra GFX into the machine. Thanks for the input!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help getting 3 monitors to work normally..

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