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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen mode (F11) in IE or Firefox..
Per Oksvold   2006-02-01 20:55

Just wondering if I am able to use the F11 (full screen) view of a browser (at least IE & Firefox have this feature) with ultramon? The result I want to achieve is to have one browser window spread over two monitors in full screen mode. Possible?

Tantalus   2006-02-01 23:56
that ability would depend on whether you are running a spanned desktop or an extended desktop. the f11 trick would only work for spanned desktops.

if you're using ultramon, why even bother w/f11? ultramon has its own 'full maximize' button that works regardless of whether you're running spanned or desktop mode.
Christian Studer   2006-02-02 10:47
For IE, you could use the IeDesktopMaximized script together with UltraMon to run the browser in true fullscreen mode stretched across the desktop.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen mode (F11) in IE or Firefox..

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