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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiport video with multiport sound
Chris   2006-02-05 09:13
Is it possible to have a media player playing deferent video files to each monitor in a multi monitor system, and to have the sound for each video driven out different audio ports, the effect being that one PC is driving several Audio Video stations ?

Christian Studer   2006-02-15 11:32
This should be possible, but I'm not aware of any media player which supports this.

Christian Studer -
n3twork   2006-06-11 13:42

You could open two instances of it one on each monitor and just set the output of one of them to the second sound card.
Fina   2006-07-01 12:02
I use Antares10, an image viewer and multimedia software, that has multi-monitor support for playing video on the secondary monitor.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiport video with multiport sound

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