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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to run an application on an independent monitor?
Moritz   2006-02-05 23:14

i have two monitors i work with, and a third one to display some information. i would like to have this third monitor as an independent one, not attached to the desktop. only one automatic program (with no user interaction) should run there fullscreen and still be visible when i lock my machine (or better also when i'm not logged on).

is that somehow possible? is it possible to this with any program or does the program itself have to access the third monitor? maybe a tool exists that runs the program on the normal desktop, hides it there and mirrors it's output to the desired screen?

thanks in advance,
ann   2008-09-22 03:11
Did you ever figure out how to get this to work? I am having a similar issue.

Daniel   2008-10-10 02:06
no possible you would need an updated v or ultra mon that has not come out yet or yet another 3rd party program

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to run an application on an independent monitor?

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