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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setup problems laptop to external monitor
Sia   2006-02-12 20:52
Sony Vaio laptop 17" widescreen and 20?" Samsung widescreen PC monitor and tv. TV and DVD input works fine on the new screen but when I try to use it for the laptop the picture does not fill the screen. If set at widescreen, it stretches the picture horizontally. If I leave at 4:3 it is in the right proportion but image sits in the middle with inches on all sides black. Computer store help suggested was to reduce the resolution - but all that does it distort the image proportions and cut some of the display off the separate monitor - kind of defeats the purpose of the bigger monitor. Just want to show exactly the same (but bigger) image on both, utilising the bigger area on the separate monitor - surely this is possible?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Setup problems laptop to external monitor

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