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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> To start from scratch: I want to have 3 monitors..
Link   2006-02-15 02:31
So where shall i begin?
Let me tell you my specs:
1 monitor.
Geforce 6800GT 256MB AGP. (I only got 1 grafic card slot)
768 MB RAM.

I got some other questions as well:

If i was playing 2 computer-games that took alot of the computer at the same time and the 3rd monitor i was using an application like MSN Messenger. Would that really take allot out from my 768 MB RAM? Would it also really take alot out of my CPU? Would it require a better Power Supply(PSU) or something?

Link   2006-02-15 02:43
Oh, if this require more grafic cards, would it be okay to install an very old one for 1 monitor where i browse the internet, chatt with other friends and listen to musik? And the other monitors to play games with the super great grafic card that i have right now?

Christian Studer   2006-02-16 10:52
You could install a PCI video card for the 3rd monitor, but I would recommend getting a fairly recent card, really old cards usually need to be the primary video card.

For example a GeForce2 MX or later should work fine.

Running both a game and MSN Messenger shouldn't be a problem, but usually you can't use both a game and another application at the same time because the mouse/keyboard is locked to the game.

Christian Studer -
Link   2006-02-20 07:44
But i only have 1 slot for grafic cards. That one and only slot on my motherboard is used by the graficcard i have right now. So does this mean i have to buy a motherboard that can have 2-3 graficards?

I'll really new with this, so i did'nt really get what you really said in your post :(.

But i know what PCI is.

Is it okay to have 2 monitors only? Would 1 graficcard only recruire on that one? If not, then i'm able to get myself a Geforce 4 MX 420 (for the second monitor if i only can hae 2 monitors due my budget or for the third monitor if i get 3 monitors).

Link   2006-02-20 07:47
Oh, about the computer..
I only have 1 hole for the monitor. So how can i fit 2-3 monitors in 1 hole on my computer?

I also have only 1 hole for power electricity for the computer as well. What shall i do??
Link   2006-02-26 07:11
Thread bumbep, comon people, help me :).
ECarlson   2006-02-26 12:42
I don't know what you mean by hole. Do you have any extra card slots available so you could install more video cards?

I would suggest getting more familiar with the whole multi-monitor thing, by reading the forums and the FAQ's and other information available at this site.

Also, learn more about your computer, and if you really need help, let us know what motherboard you have, how many slots it has, what video card you are currently using, or if you are using on-board video, what other cards you already have in the computer, and any other relevant information about your system.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2006-02-26 12:44
Oops, I see you listed your video card, but listing the motherboard and any other installed cards would be helpful.

- Eric,
Steve_Wheel   2006-06-16 05:10
I think by "whole" he means the out put ports, as in he only has one VGA out to plug into.

In which case, you will either need that other GeForce, or get an even newer card that has 2 outs.
Max   2006-06-19 19:01
You better avoid you lot of troubles and
get directly a matrox triple head2go,
wich will span your single monitor output
over 3 monitors. Plus Im sure you can have
an extra port for another spare monitor,
but the advantage of a span triple view
is on the 3 main monitors only. Useful
for games, if that's your plan.
Im pretty sure this solution is better
than having a second video card, as
pci card are usually slowering everything
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> To start from scratch: I want to have 3 monitors..

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