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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Third monitor not attached to desktop?
Rob Perelman   2006-02-15 20:43
I am currently running a dual monitor system using UltraMon. This is working just fine, but I'd like to add a third monitor to the system. This monitor will actually be physically located in a different room from the primary computer, so I won't be able to see the output. I'd like the monitor to act independently of the Windows desktop, so that dragging windows won't show up on that monitor, and windows won't accidentally open up on that monitor.

In essense, I want my program to open up a window on that monitor, and that's the only thing that will be there. Is there a way to make this work using UltraMon, or some other method?

If not, is there any way to position the monitor within Windows and use some sort of locking so that no windows will popup on that screen, and I won't be able to drag windows to that screen?
Christian Studer   2006-02-16 10:39
UltraMon does have some support for this via scripting, but with limitations:

- windows moved to the monitor will get moved off the monitor once the mouse gets released, but the window will still show up on the monitor while it is being dragged

- windows which open on the monitor will also get moved off the monitor, but they will still be visible for a short time on the monitor

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Third monitor not attached to desktop?

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