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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start programs on second monitor
Karl Tschetschonig   2006-02-16 02:26
I installed two monitors:

___ ___
|_| |_|
left:Nokia right: Benq

1. Benq FP91G+
2. Nokia 445 Pro

The Benq monitor is straight forward and the Nokia on the left side, therefore Benq is the first monitor and Nokia the second.

With this configuration, I have a problem with some programs.

My messenger "Miranda IM" will only work properly on the first monitor. It can only work on the second monitor if the second monitor is the right one.

My TV Programm can only work on the primary monitor. As soon as I move it to the second one, the image get lost.

If I swap monitors, and set the nokia monitor, which is located on the left side, as first monitor, I can use the messenger and the tv program on this monitor, but all programs get started on the nokia monitor too, but I want the Benq monitor to start its programs (start menu is on right monitor).

What's more I don't want the tv program to react on clicks which happen on the first monitor, because if the tv program is in fullsize mode and I click somewhere on the monitor, fullsizemode stops.

Furthermore I don't want the second monitor to react on "view desktop" clicks in the task bar.

The best solution for me would be two independent monitors with independent start menus and task bars, which start programs on the monitor I open them.

Could you help me please?
BenG   2006-02-16 05:12
Most of the problems you describe are down to the programs you are using. If they are not coded in a 100% system friendly manner and have only been tested on single monitor setups that could be the problem. Also some of the problems you describe are classic ATI problems, not saying thats the card you are using but it sounds like it.

The primary monitor is where the start bar will load. It is also where most applications will start by default. System friendly applications will remember where they were closed and reopen on that monitor.
So if you start IE and it starts on monitor one, then move it to monitor two and close it. Next time you start IE it should open on monitor two.

The black screen you are getting with the TV display software sounds like one of two things.
DirectX problem or the software itself.

Have you tried running dxdiag? (start - run - dxdiag).

Also make sure you are running uptodate drivers etc.

Hope this helps some.
Karl   2006-02-16 05:40
I'm not at home and can not try out the dxdiag thing but can clarify my situation.

The graphics card I'm using is "Gigabyte GeForceFX 5200 64bit, 128MB DDR, DVI, TV-out, AGP", the TV Card is an old analog (BT878) card from

I thought, that there may be a workaround for such unfriendly programs ;-). Maybe a tool that allows to start programs on the right monitor, or a tool that allows two independent desktops and switch between with the mouse... Anything that allows me to run all of my programs properly :-)

Unfortunately my TV card is very old, so there are no new drivers or patches available since 2001 ( Do you know another program I may use for my TV card?
BenG   2006-02-16 11:09
DigiTV from Nebula (EU company) software has support for dual monitors and doesnt drop out of full screen when you hit click mouse etc. AFAIK it only works on their own hardware, but the feature you are after does exist ;)

Nvida has a lot of tools for dual monitor support, nvidia desktop manager. Should be installed with your graphics card. Also you can access it from control panels.
Karl Tschetschonig   2006-02-16 18:18
Yes! Nvidia Desktop Manager is installed, but doesn't seem to solve my problems.

The Desktop allows to create multiple desktops and can switch between them, but I want to have one desktop on the left monitor and one on the right ;-)
Karl Tschetschonig   2006-02-16 21:30
I got the problem with my TV card solved with another program, but my messenger is still making problems.

Best would be a program that can make the illusion to be a one-monitor system for pre-selected programs.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Start programs on second monitor

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