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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Most flexible triple head hardware and software solution?
marni   2006-02-17 15:30
Howdy folks-
Another noob' here, hat in hands.
I've got 2 21" monitors and those diy video projector plans over at have seduced me. So my MSI FX5600's multimonitoring prowess just isn't up the task [having just 2 monitors and 1 tv out ports].
So my question is: what is the best software [and hardware, if need be] solution.
I've got an agp board [msi fx5600 vivo] so i'm hoping for an agp compatible solution. But i'd sooner buy a new system if triple monitoring far easier/better on PCI-E.
Anyway, if you know of either, 'preciate hearing about it.

Skeleton walks into bar, orders a beer and a mop.
Christian Studer   2006-02-19 07:20
I would add a PCI video card for the 3rd monitor.

The other option would be to replace your existing video card with a quad (4-monitor) video card, but this is more expensive.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Most flexible triple head hardware and software solution?

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